View if the Crew shop on Cockburn street and Djs

“I strongly feel that Crew has helped save my life, and has been integral to my recovery. I am forever grateful.”*

If you don’t already know Crew, what you need to know is that they are a small, award winning and incredibly hard working charity that reduces drug and alcohol harm and works with sexual health by training volunteer peers to engage with vulnerable people and communities. They also run a professional recovery and training service patronised by thousands now in their 25th year.

Crew has an incredible ability to reach people in Scotland that comes from working in schools, festivals, superclubs, online and from their Cockburn Street shop. They are unique in the way they operate with such credibility with youth and people who use substances while at the same time being consulted by Scottish Government on policy and working with services like the NHS, Police Scotland and in our courts, not to mention hundreds of equally hard working front-line drug services that depend on them for good information and guidance on substance use.

You may not know their name, but as a fixture in the Edinburgh Old Town and appearing regularly at massive events for young people around Scotland, your school aged children will and if they’ve come into contact with drugs, there’s a great chance they’ve come into contact with Crew too.

Results speak volumes and GreatCauses.Scot recommends you look at Crew’s annual reports for a snapshot or in this simple presentation on their impact 2017-Crew-Presentation.

Crew been supported by BP’s high profile Coast to Coast Society cycle this year and GreatCauses.Scot have worked in partnership with Total Warrior and Executive Fitness Foundation to raise income for the success of such a small and vital charity. Your fundraising goes directly to supporting their mission to reduce harm from drugs, an issue for our community that touches everyone.

2012 GSK IMPACT Awards: CREW 2000 from The King's Fund on Vimeo.

*counselling client, 2017

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