The single thing I enjoy most about fundraising team events like this is the universal joy of a shared achievement…
There’s a huge range of capacities and even though, would you believe, the Crew Warriors came first team in the Sunday event overall, the range of ability with ranged from those who were incredibly challenged by completing 12km in these conditions to those who actually challenged for the win. We did in fact have two warriors in the top 10, one finishing 2nd only to a professional race trainer which was incredible to see. Well, I would say incredible to see if I saw him at all as I completed the course at a more mortal pace.
Today’s run was a culmination of a good deal of effort- training, fundraising and encouraging others to take a step outside their comfort zone for a Great Cause. And of course, that fundraising result is a legacy for Crew, who will continue to achieve great things from this effort.
A huge thank you due to Iain Bell of Executive Fitness Foundation for keeping us fit and focussed, no small task with such a heterogeneous group. Another thank you goes to the staff at Pure Gym Ocean Terminal who ran on Saturday an inspired us with some crazy fund-raising efforts.
Well done Crew Warriors! Here’s the Sunday teams timings for the record, rejoice!
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